Graduation of Heloisa and Henrique

Since our teenagers Heloisa and Henrique came to America 2 years ago, they came to a brand new school, had to learn English, and had to experience a whole new culture.

When they first came they knew no English at all, but I remember when they started making friends. Henrique would tell everyone, “E ai, Fella!" Lol The other kids loved them.

They then got involved with futbol/soccer, got baptized in the church, and lived the American teenage life.

This year they graduated from West High School in Torrance. We are very proud of what they have accomplished.

This is a milestone for our family. After this they will see the world. Heloisa is traveling in Brazil now and Henrique will come with us to Portland, Oregon.

Here’s to dreams!


Hiking at Mount Rubidoux


Engagement Session at Crystal Cove State Park